Advocacy for Women’s Healthcare Event

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On October 19, the Advocacy and Education Committee hosted a panel titled “Understanding Women’s Healthcare Today” for members to learn about issues in women’s healthcare that impact our community. Women entered a safe, non-partisan, and non-religious space to learn about current issues, especially in regard to the Dobbs vs. Jackson case and its impact on women, healthcare and fertility law.

This event was in response to a survey sent to JLC members in the summer of 2022 after the ruling on Dobbs vs. Jackson was announced. Sixteen percent (16%) of Active and Sustaining members completed the survey, with seventy six (76%) sharing interest in advocacy training. Eighty one percent (81%) of members surveyed supported a forum where experts in law, medicine and nonprofit services came to share informative, nonpolitical, content. The General Membership Meeting in October focused on general advocacy work that individual members could pursue in any area of interest to make a difference in legislation in our region. This additional special event was planned to continue the conversation.

At the event, a variety of different professionals in fertility law, medicine, and beyond spoke to clearly educate and inform the women of the League. A representative from a healthcare based non-profit shared information from their organization. A JLC member also shared her personal, emotional story of how her life was recently impacted by the Supreme Court decision in August.
Both events inspired women to be empowered and informed advocates and resources for the community. JLC members can advocate as a leader in the community for any area they feel compelled to engage in.

The Advocacy and Education committee is looking forward to hosting similar events in the future on a variety of topics that the women in the Junior League of Cincinnati feel passionate about.