Program Development Update

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First, a heartfelt thank you for being an amazing partner and advocate for our community and our neighbors. And thank you for trusting the Junior League of Cincinnati to help advance your vision as we seek to nurture an impactful new offering on your behalf. Thanks to all of you, we received 27 applications for the first round of our Request for Proposals process. Below is a list of each applicant with their linked website. Though we cannot have all applicants move to Round 2, we would love to encourage you to explore these organizations and show your support as you see fit.

We are now thrilled to announce our Round 1 Applicants who are invited to participate in Round 2 of the Request for Proposal process.

Congratulations for moving on to the next round! Each of the five organizations will be contacted by a Junior League of Cincinnati member to receive access to the Round 2 Application, which will open on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, and close on Friday, January 26, 2024. Along with the application link, invited groups will receive additional information about the three to five year partnership.

Thank you, again, to all applicants, and good luck to those moving forward.

Leslie Touassi, Chair of Program Development

Rebecca Bryson, Vice President of Community Impact